Miscellaneous Aims

  • Work with street vendors to identify areas where we could place infrastructure like parking, power, water

  • Work with the unions and council management to identify how we can incentivise new ideas for doing things better

    • Options like providing the team that identifies the improvement a cut of the savings for a period of time. Also include the unions in that cut to help encourage them

  • Work with businesses to encourage them to provide time for staff to make submissions to council

  • Push to have the “Commercial sensitivity” argument heavily curtailed when it comes to OIA requests

    • Options like restricting its use on contracts for 12 months after the signing

  • Work with unions to identify areas where process improvements can be made

    • Union members have a massive amount of institutional knowledge that should be leveraged for mutual benefit. This is not a zero sum game

  • Explore the allocation of a ring fenced experimental budget for council staff to use to explore new tools and ways of doing things. Leaving councillor hands out of it.

    • Would still want to make sure that the reason for using the funds to try something out are clear and have a solid set of metrics.

  • Work with council leadership and workers to identify if there are ways we can introduce even more incremental efforts.

    • We would have to be willing to accept more cases of rework even when things are going well

Authorised by James Sullivan. James@TFG.nz